Lime Seared Scallops with Peruvian Ground Cherry Jam


  • 6 Fresh Large Sea Scallops
  • 1Tbsp Branch and Vines Tuscan Herb Olive Oil
  • Salt and Pepper
  • The Olive Twist Persian Lime Olive Oil
  • Peruvian Ground Cherry Jam (recipe to follow)


Pat Scallops dry, coat Scallops with a drizzle of Tuscan Herb oil. Heat skillet, once warm place Scallops in a dry skillet, salt, and pepper to taste. A dry skillet will give you a nice sear. Cook for about 5 minutes then flip to sear second side. Cook until scallops are cooked through without becoming rubbery. I like to sear the second side about 2-3 minutes so I don’t overcook. I cut one scallop in half to check if it is cooked through. Remove from skillet to a serving plate. 

We served with arugula and blended rice. Layered arugula, rice, Scallops, and top with ¼ tsp of Apricot Jalapeno jam at the top of each Scallop for garnish.